US Neuropathy Centers
Peripheral Neuropathy & Foot & Ankle Surgeons located in Marietta, GA
Diabetes can cause a variety of serious complications, including diabetic peripheral neuropathy. If your diabetic symptoms are worsening despite expert treatment, Stephen Barrett, DPM, Sequioa DuCasse, DPM, MS, and the team at US Neuropathy Centers in Marietta, Georgia, can help using pulsatile insulin infusion therapy. This technologically advanced method of delivering insulin to your liver closely matches the body’s natural use of insulin and could help when nothing else is working. Call US Neuropathy Centers today to find out more or book an appointment online.
What is pulsatile insulin infusion therapy?
Pulsatile insulin infusion therapy is a treatment that the team at US Neuropathy Centers can use for patients who have severe cases of diabetes that aren’t responding well to other approaches.
Pulsatile insulin infusion therapy is also known by several other names, including:
- Metabolic activation therapy (MAT)
- Chronic intravenous insulin therapy (CIIT)
- Hepatic activation
- Pulsatile therapy
Treatment using pulsatile insulin infusion therapy is a highly effective way of delivering insulin. The delivery method is similar to the way your body produces and distributes insulin naturally. As a result, you can control your blood sugar levels more effectively.
This, in turn, means that your chances of developing complications such as diabetic peripheral neuropathy are lower.
How is insulin delivered normally?
The natural production of insulin takes place in the pancreas, which delivers the insulin it makes into the portal vein that supplies the liver with blood. In this way, the liver gets the high doses of insulin it needs to break down glucose and keep blood sugar levels healthy.
There are enzymes in the liver that require insulin in high concentration to function as they should. The usual delivery method for insulin in people who have diabetes is through injections or an implantable pump, but these methods don’t get enough insulin to the enzymes in the liver to ensure optimal regulation of blood sugar.
Pulsatile insulin infusion therapy ensures higher concentrations of insulin get to the enzymes, so the liver is better able to manage blood sugar levels.
How does pulsatile insulin infusion therapy work?
Pulsatile insulin infusion therapy involves a six-hour session once a week at US Neuropathy Centers for treatment.
Your provider inserts a needle and a catheter, which is a piece of narrow, flexible tubing, into a vein in your arm. A computer program controls the delivery of insulin via an external pump.
You receive regular pulses of insulin, all directed by the computer. It bases the speed of the insulin pulses on information it’s receiving from sensors that tell the computer what your blood sugar levels are and other essential information.
Pulsatile insulin infusion therapy is an option the team at US Neuropathy Centers can discuss with you if your condition is deteriorating despite following a regulated course of standard insulin therapy.
Find out if pulsatile insulin infusion therapy is right for you by calling US Neuropathy Centers today to schedule a consultation, or book an appointment online.